Director's Duty 1. Statutory Duties - Duty to disclose interests in transactions Under Sec 156 of the CA, The Director is required to inform the company any information which may harm for company. This disclosure is not required where “the interest of the director consists only of being a member or creditor of a corporation which is interested in a transaction” and “if the interest of the director may properly be regarded as not being a material interest.” 싱가포르 회사법 156조에 따르면 모든 이사는 중요하거나 회사에 손실이 발생될 거래 대해서는 모두 이사회에 통보해야 하는 의무가 있습니다. 하지만 중요하지 않은 거래이거나 오직 주주와 채권자들 관련 거래라면 별도의 통보 의무는 없습니다. Besides disclosing the nature and extent of his interest in an entity that is transacting with the company, the director must also disclose the nature, character and extent of any conflicts with his directors’ duties that may arise due to his holding any office or possessing any property. 거래 성격과 법인 내용 이외 특성과 이해 상충 관계에 대해서도 반드시 정보 공유를 진행해야 하며 소유 부동산도 공개해야 합니다. - Duty to...