싱가포르에서 사업을 진행하기 위해서는 반드시 ACRA에 법인설립이 필수적으로 필요합니다.
법인설립 절차는 법인명을 구매하고 이후 법인내용(이사 및 주주, 자본금, 회계연도, 주소지 등등)을 신고해야 합니다.
그러기 위해서는 법인명 구매가 선행되어야 하는데 종종 SINGAPORE, INTERNATIONAL이라는 단어가 들어가서 법인명 심사기간이 짧게는 3-5일 길게는 2주 이상이 소요될 수 있습니다.
그렇기 때문에 불필요한 추가 소요시간을 줄이기 위해서 ACRA에서 안내한 단어들은 사전에 배제하고 법인명으로 선정하는 것을 추천드립니다.
싱가포르 기업청 법인명 관련 링크
architect / Real Estate Agent / Real Estate Agency / Foundation / International / Singapore / Military / Defence / school / learning centre / education centre / training centre / Academy / College / Institute / Institution / University / National / Singapore / ASEAN / Law / Legal / Counsel / Chamber / Advocate / Solicitor / Law Corporation / LLC / Bank / Finance / Finance Company / Futures Exchange / Clearing House / Securities Exchange / Stock exchange / Professional Engineering / Professional Engineers / PE / Accountancy / Accounting / Audit / hospital / medical clinic/centre / dental clinic/centre / surgery / medical/clinical laboratory / healthcare establishment / Co-op / Co-operative
SSIC Code(업종 코드:
71111 (Architectural services)
68201 (Real estate agencies and valuation services)
68209 (Real estate activities on a fee or contract basis nec. (excluding online marketplaces))
66124 (Commodity (excluding gold) and futures brokers and dealers)
10611 (Rice milling)
10740 (Manufacture of macaroni, noodles, vermicelli and other related products)
85211 (Secondary schools including combined primary and secondary schools)
85212 (Junior colleges and centralised pre-university institutes (post-secondary non-tertiary) including combined secondary schools and post-secondary non-tertiary schools)
85220 (Technical and vocational secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education)
85230 (International and foreign system schools)
85240 (Schools for special needs)
85301 (Polytechnics)
85302 (Universities)
85303 (Teachers' training institutes)
85304 (Commercial schools offering higher education programmes)
85409 (Training courses n.e.c.)
69101 (Legal Activities (excluding online marketplaces))
64120 (Full banks)
64130 (Wholesale Banks)
64140 (Merchant banks)
64150 (Finance companies (with deposit taking functions))
64992 (Representative offices of foreign banks)
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